Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Biggest Loser: Week 6 Weigh In

Half way mark... where's everyone at with their weight loss? What's working for you and what isn't? What changes do you plan on making in the next 6 weeks to get closer to your goal?


Claire said...

I stayed the same this week... We just started to go back to the gym, so I'm hoping this is due to muscle gain, though that might be wishful thinking!! :D 5 lbs to go!

One of the things that is really working for me is knowing I will be reporting back to all of you every week! This small fact alone has influenced many of my eating choices over the last six weeks.

Amanda said...

I actually had a significant loss last week - 1.6 pounds!!!!!!!! So that brings my total for the last six weeks to a little over 2. 8 more to go.

This last week I was a lot more careful about counting calories. I lost even though I wasn't even able to exercise as much (packing, traveling, etc.). I hopeful for this next week that I can get another pound gone, but who knows. I will actually be moving this week so the only thing I can control very well is eating. I am excited to start exercising outside again once I am in Albuquerque!!

Linz said...

I lost 1 pound. I am having a hard time surrendering chocolate.

Stephanie said...

Same again. I definitely reached my plateau. What worked for the first three pounds was what Claire said-having to report to you guys, and then definitely exercise. I think weight comes off so much faster when you exercise. To lose any more, I'm going to have to get stricter with the calorie counting as well!

Julianne said...

I've lost a total of ten pounds--two more to go for this goal, but I wouldn't mind a few more after that. I feel like I have reached my plateau as well. Have any of you guys ever had anyone you know had success with Weight Watcher's? My husband's work will pay for it, so I'm seriously considering it. (I think they are smart to pay for it, by the way. If I'm healthy, my medical costs will be a lot cheaper!!) Lost 10/Goal 12

Everyone keep up the good work!! This has been fun!

Linz said...

Good job Julianne! I've heard Weight Watchers works and if the company will pay for it I would definitely give it a try!

kristi said...

I did weight watchers last year and lost about 30 lbs. Now that I have had my baby, I am going to do it again.

Hope said...

My Grandma lost 150 lbs on WW!! She looks awesome. This alone has made me the biggest fan.