Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Potty Training Help For a Friend of Mine

A friend of mine (Amanda Ball, for those of you from MSU) is looking for some help potty training... I told her I'd post her note on here, in hopes that you girls will have some advice for her.

Amanda wrote...
I've been forced - yes forced - into potty training my recently turned 2 year old son. He's decided that he doesn't like to wear diapers after he's "gone" in them and my baby girl has decided they are fun toys. I'm sure you can imagine what sorts of things have happened with that. So I would like to know what sorts of things worked when you potty trained your kid, or kids. Any and all advice is welcome!


The Stump Clan said...

What we did with my son was during the day and whenever he was home, we kept him just in his underwear (and sometimes totally nude) while he was playing. Then we always kept his potty chair in the room he was in ( with a towel underneath, for floor protection!) and so whenever he needed to go, it was right near him to make accidents a minimum. My son did great with this and was potty trained within a few weeks, but he was also almost three. Good Luck!

Karen S. said...

We used potty training rewards to potty train our son. He loved pushing the audio button hearing he is a Big Boy and opening a door to find a chocolate treat. He really became involved. He was peeing and pooping in his potty within a week. He still runs around after going in his potty says I am a Big Boy. Have a look and see if this would work for you. www.pottytrainingrewards.com

Hope said...

There are some good videos out there too! Lillian loves "Go Potty Go" and "Potty Power" they have songs that I even catch myself singing when I have to go to the bathroom. :)
Good Luck!

Linda! said...

There are some great free downloads for certificates and motivational stickers on www.PottyTrainWithBabySigns.com.
The All Aboard the Potty Train DVD is great - boys especially like the train theme. Good luck!

Crystal said...

I haven't potty trained a kid yet, but something my sister swears by is putting underwear on then a diaper or pull-ups over the undies. That way they can still feel when they are wet but it doesn't make a mess. Most kids HATE the feeling of being wet like that and catch on pretty quickly. Apparently this method is one used with children who have mental disabilities and it works really well.

Amanda J said...

Those are fantastic ideas! Thank you for sharing!