Thursday, June 5, 2008

Biggest Loser: Challenge to work your core!

How did last week's challenge go? Did all that positive self talk make a difference? It did for me. Sometimes I feel like I just get so busy I don't even think - and that includes about choices I make about my health. All that positive talk helped me remember more often about why I am trying to manage my weight better. It really helped me with keeping my motivation up.
SO this week's challenge is another physical one. We are going to work our cores!!! The challenge is to do the following exercises at least 4 times (basically every other day). It should only take you about 10-15 minutes. That means you can totally do it while you watch the news or your fave TV show. The workout says you need dumbbells, but I think it can be done without (if you don't have any).


Claire said...

I'm so lame Amanda!! I never actually wrote out my "pep talk" last week... but believe me, I give myself one all the time!! Everytime I go for the fridge I try to ask myself, "do I need this, or do I want this?" or "am I eating out of boredom or hunger". Most often, its boredom, so then I find something else to do!!

I'm leaving to go out of town, so I won't get much chance to do the core workout... I will however, be spending four days walking around Disneyland. Now I just have to avoid all the fattening snacks so all the walking will actually burn calories! :D

Nu-U Fitness Of San Antonio said...

Is this actually from the show or a group thing?? Thank you!
