Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cleaning Maniacs

Way back in the day I wrote a post about not having motivation to clean. Well, as a little follow-up, I wanted to share the plan of action my husband and I came up with to help our apartment stay clean. The great news is that it's working!

First I fashioned a little board to our fridge like so:

On the board I made magnets for all the main chores to be done each week. Each Sunday my husband closes his eyes and pulls four jobs from the "cleaning hat." (Because I have more time at home, I am always responsible for dishes, laundry, and making the bed as well as the three remaining other chores. But you can do whatever's fair for you.) If we do the jobs we are expected to do within the week we get fifteen dollars to spend on whatever we want. If we want something more expensive, we are in "cleaning debt" (hence the negative sign by my husband's name) until we pay it off. The results are two fold: our house has never been cleaner and I have guilt-free money to spend on clothes!

The moral of the story is: When you have a hard time motivating yourself to do something, resort to childish bribes.


Liz said...

that's awesome!

Linz said...


Joni said...

My problem would be that I would just decided to give myself the money anyway.

Unknown said...

I LOVE this! You guys are awesome!

Unknown said...

So, did Jeff already buy his item, or is he saving up for it?

Natalie said...

WoW! You go girl. I showed my husband this deal-io you have going and he said, "and her husband agreed to do that?!" HAHA! So, thanks! I think I will try something like this!

katie said...

That is hilarious! I wonder if my husband would agree to it!

Rural Dee said...

My husband is more of a cleaner than I am. If I didn't clean he would probably do the whole house. Only he wouldn't be happy about it. Ha ha ha.

When I took this picture Jeff had just bought a watch. So he was in megadebt. Now he is only in debt for a few more weeks and I am also in debt because I bought a bunch of clothes in Utah. :)

We also just started adding an extra dollar per week if we do abs exercises every night, the kind where the other person throws your legs down and you have to try not to let them touch the ground. It kills!

kristi said...

Wow, your nice. You do the Laundry and the dishes everyweek. I dont' care how much more time I spend at home, I refuse to do all the dishes.

Rural Dee said...

Jeff helps when he's not studying. And he'll help a lot more when he's not in school anymore (whether he likes to or not!). So I'm not that nice! :)

kristi said...
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kristi said...

Ha Ha!!! That's funny :)