Monday, April 30, 2007

Why the babysitter was right!

I asked my babysitter a few weeks ago if she let her kids have snacks in the car. She seems very wise to me so I was curious what her take was. She said snacks that weren't sticky like crackers-that can be vacuumed easily-were okay with her but never drinks. In the age of the sippy cup, I was surprised at that one. Do you guys let your kids eat in the car? Fast forward to Thursday evening when I'm picking my little one up from said babysitter's house. She saw her cup in the bag and started screaming for it! I gave in because I knew she was hungry and didn't think of it again. Fast forward again to Sunday night. We're in the car on our way home from dinner with his parents and there is a stench. A bad one! Everyone denies farting or smelly feet or poopy diapers and this morning I discovered the culprit-the almost empty sippy cup. They're never quite all gone and it had sat baking in the car during our first warm weekend of the year. The moral of the story? Sippy cups left in the car are a bad idea!


kristi said...

I for sure let my kids have snacks in the car. Even sticky ones, that is why I carry wipes with me :) My boys almost always have their sippy cups with them, so yes they also have drinks in the car. Of course on those rare occasions when we leave the cup in the car in can be gross. However, truthfully I almost never leave the cup in the car because I know they will want it later on. It is another one of those situations of whatever works best for you.

Chantel said...

I don't have sticky foods in the car because they are hard to clean of the upholstery, but I always let them have things like crackers and a drink. Many times we find ourselves running around all day and I would rather them eat the snacks I pack then stop at some fast food restaurant before our next appointment.

Joni said...

Snacks in car=definitely.
But only water, and nothing that I poses a strong choking hazard as I am unable to assist them while drive.
Mostly crackers and cereal. Every now and then, if I'm feeling daring, I let them have a dum dum. But I'm sure to wipe surfaces down right after said treat.

Aubreydoll said...

Definitely snacks in the car! I'd rather have both of us in a good mood and a little mess to clean up than have my little guy screaming in the backseat while I'm screaming in the front! :)
I do generally try to keep it simple (again, crackers and the like) but I always let him have his sippy cup.

Liz said...

Thanks guys! I have another girlfriend who said she never lets her kids eat in the car because they might choke-I felt guilty for a while after that! :)