Saturday, April 14, 2007

Scripture Study

I have really been struggling ever since I had the baby, to follow through with any kind of regular scripture study. If I end up with some free time, I'll reach for the Ensign or my scriptures, but it definitely hasn't been on a daily basis. I know it's not an excuse, but I can hardly keep my own eyes open once she goes down for the night! Anyway, I have really been noticing the spiritual void in my life, and I was wondering what works for you guys? Any ideas to inspire and motivate me???


Linz said...

Steph--I'm struggling with this too. One thing that is sort of working for me. When v was first born, I basically watched TV every time I nursed her. Now I basically never do and I read while I nurse her. Nursing her is a guarantee of the day and so then I can guarantee that I will read. Admittedly, this habit has always been hard for me. I used to always read with breakfast and now a peaceful breakfast is out of the question!

Stephanie said...

That's a good idea Linz. I need to keep my scriptures right next to the rocker. I spend so much time would only make sense!

Liz said...

I know that making sure scripture reading with my spouse happens has helped because we're both accountable and working on it then. I know I need personal reading too, but it's helped when it's really hard to start there, with both of us doing it together.

katie said...

I also try to read while I nurse. Another thing that helps me is listening to spiritual music or to general conference talks while Reagan and I are playing.

Amanda said...

I third the comment about reading while I am nursing. With a three week old it still takes at least 30 minutes each time. I read out loud, too, so that my babe can hear my voice. The reading out loud has helped me actually digest some of what I read. I have read more since he was born than while I was pregnant!

Liz said...

I have to say, I loved reading while I nursed for the first six months or so, but then M would get so distracted by the book-she acted highly insulted that she didn't have my undivided attention! :) that after a while, I couldn't do anything while I nursed, so take advantage of it now because I miss it!