Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ensign article

I really enjoyed an article I read in the Ensign this morning and just wanted to recommend it. It's in the April issue, pg. 9 by Shauna Bird Dunn. The article talks about following the Spirit, doing what works for your family, and motherhood. I especially liked how she talked about following the Holy Ghost through decisions in life.


Unknown said...

Brian and I read that the other day, and I really needed to hear that. I know staying at home is the right thing to do, but sometimes I miss not going to work every day!

Linz said...

I'm so grateful to be a stay-at-home Mom and really enjoy it, but I didn't feel that that was the message of the article: that you should be a stay-at-home mom. I felt that the message was more to let the Holy Ghost guide you because you'll find the most happiness in that. Some families find more happiness with the mom working either full or part-time, some with a stay-at-home Dad, and some with a full-time stay-at-home Mom. It's just most important that you follow the Spirit.

stacibee said...

How great! I loved it too Linz. I've learned to completely rely on on the Lord when it comes to family and our roles as mothers. Sometimes things don't always work out like you plan, but they always work out the way the Lord plans, which is most important.

Stephanie said...

Thanks Linz! I appreciated the article, and your comments as well. This has been an issue we have dealt with a lot ever since having the baby. I liked how the woman in the article took "steps" towards being a stay at home mom, since she couldn't do it all at once. I feel like that's what we're doing. I dropped to part-time, but for now, that's all I could do, in our current situation. Sometimes I still beat myself up that I'm not at home all the time, and this article was a good reminder to just follow the Spirit and do what is right for your family!