Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Cleaning

Springtime is here, thank heavens! If you're like me, you love to take an entire day/weekend and dedicate it to cleaning and organizing your home. The feeling of all of the winter clothes stored away and all of the dust and germs once living in those deep, dark hidden away places destroyed and gone is exhilarating! I just came across this site and had to share. It's a great resource for when you're getting ready to deep clean your place. I'm gonna try some of the ideas. Let me know if any of them work for you too.


Linz said...

homemade cleaning supplies? How cool...and this website is cheaper than buying Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook (which admittedly I'm still considering getting at some point!) I always love your posts, Stac.

Abby said...

staci, will you come spring clean my apt??!! haha

Stephanie said...

I will admit I often opt for storebought just because of convenience, even though it's more expensive. However, these homeade cleaner recipes really appealed to me because they're safer. Ever since I had the baby I worry about her being exposed to the fumes and stuff. Thanks for the website!