Monday, December 31, 2007
Work Out Videos
Dry Skin!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Alligator Chopper FYI
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Search For My Mom-Mobile
What car/van/SUV do you drive? What are your likes and dislikes? What vehicles have you looked at that you like or dislike? Also, does anyone know of good websites (that you don't have to pay for) that give good reviews and safety ratings? Any ideas, suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday Weekly
Saturday, December 22, 2007
New Years Resolutions
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Child Torture?
Chicken Pot Pie and Easy Pie Crust
1 can mixed vegetables, drained
1/3 c. butter or stick margarine
1/3 c. all-purpose flour
1/3 c. chopped onion
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. pepper
1 3/4 c. chicken broth (I always use reconstituted chicken boullion)
2/3 c. milk (reconstituted dry milk)
2 1/2 to 3 cups cut-up cooked chicken or turkey
Pastry for two-crust pie (store-bought deep dish crusts make this really easy!)
1. Heat oven to 425.
2. Melt butter in 2-quart saucepan over medium heat. Stir in flour, onion, salt and pepper. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is bubbley;remove from heat. Stir in broth and milk. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute to thicken. Stir in chicken and vegetables; remove from heat.
3. Pour chicken into pie crust. Trim off top edge of slightly thawed second crust, then ease crust out of pan and place on top of pie. Seal with fork all the way around pie. Vent in a few places with sharp knife.
4. Bake about 25 minutes or until golden brown.
If you're not into store-bought crust, here's a great EASY pie crust recipe that makes 4 crusts (or 2 double crust pies):
5 c. flour
2 c. shortening (butter flavor is yummy, but regular is good too)
1 egg
1 T. vinegar
1 t. salt
1/2 t. soda
Put egg in measuring cup. Add vinegar and water to make 3/4 cup. Beat. Put in freezer.
Mix dry ingredients. Add cold egg mixture with pastry cutter. Chill dough for at least half an hour.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I'm Bitter...
Camille's Oreo Truffles-Not quite a cookie but still cookie-exchange-worthy

I got this recipe from my friend Camille, but I also found it at So easy and soooo yummy!
1 package oreo cookies, divided
1 8 oz. package cream cheese softened
2 packages Baker's chocolate, melted (I think Camille just uses choc chips)
Crush cookies. Mix in cream cheese. Roll into balls and dip in chocolate. Cool on wax paper. Enjoy!
Type I diabetes
Cookie Exchange

Table Manners....
Monday, December 17, 2007
a No-risk, No-calorie, No (well, almost no)-effort Christmas Cookie Exchange!

I have never been to a cookie exchange. Physically speaking, that's probably a good thing! I have always been envious of them though. Some year, I will initiate one or be lucky enough to go to one. Not this year though. Between two weeks in Arkansas, my husband leaving on the 30th for Utah, needing to pack him and the car BEFORE we leave town for said trips, the house up for sale, not feeling so great this week, the looming "single-motherhood", this is not the year! :) I was salivating at Laura's blog today and wishing that I had the energy and time to make some of her yummy treats! So... I propose an online cookie/treat exchange! We all submitted recipes earlier this year when we first started and lots of good cookies and treats were in that bundle, but it's been almost a year! So, share what you would bring to a cookie exchange and we all get to take good recipes "home" as well as drool at all that goodness without gaining a pound!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Leaky Diaper Bonanza
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Hey Twilight Fans!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Another Great Book Blog
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Kleenex with lotion
(I would also like to recommend Aveeno Baby for mild eczema. My child feels like a baby again!)
MY 12 Books of Christmas
Biscuit's Christmas Eve
The Night Before Christmas
The Last Straw
The Legend of the Poinsettia
The Polar Express
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Christmas in the Manger
The Christmas Witch
Toot & Puddle I'll Be Home for Christmas
Snowmen at Night
Jolly Christmas Postman
The Snowman
Tomorrow is our first night! We're not really going in any special order except that two of these I don't have-I'm using my Mom's! And I have a small one to open on the plane next week! :) My list is all linked so you can see what they are but I didn't have the energy to do it twice so please feel free to visit my blog if you'd like the links to these books. I'll report after Christmas on any treasures or duds! :)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I'm Done!
-I'm making a few of the presents, so I'm not really done but supply-wise, I'm done
-online shopping is the greatest! i love how it magically appears on your doorstep later on
-our Target is IN our mall! it is truly the greatest because it is the epitome of one-stop-shopping I LOVE google and I love froogle which lists products so you can find the best deals and where they're at
-at work my friends and I did a "not-so-secret-Santa" so you only had to get something for one person and my coworkers are donating to a family in need rather than presents for all of us.
I talked to my Mom this morning and she hasn't even started yet, so for those of you like her, good luck!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Fasting Prevents Heart Disease?
Friday, December 7, 2007
Recipe Help Needed!!
Good Movies
The more I thought about it though, I started to wonder a few things. First of all... is it just as bad to watch the movie even if swearing is muted, since you might still be seeing the persons mouth moving? And how much do you have to filter in order to make a movie PG or PG-13 instead of R? Is it a bad idea to support the making of obscene movies, or movies with a lot of profanity by buying or renting them, even if we are filtering them?
Mainly, I'm just wondering what your take is on a product like this. If you want to check it out for more info, the website is I'd love to hear your thoughts on this product!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Comforting Those Who Stand in Need of Comfort
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Christmas Eve/Day Meal
Monday, December 3, 2007
Going Green?
holiday treats
Those small gifts add up!

How do you handle the friend/ward/neighbor gifts? In my experience, those are the ones that I forget to budget for and the ones that add up so quickly! I want to give to everyone but can't and so I usually make a short list of the work/church/neighborhood/VT friends that I want to remember. I have found the dollar spot at Target to be very helpful but I don't always find what I'm looking for. I'm not a candy maker so I am not able to whip up some fudge or anything fancy like that either! Have any of you found creative, thrifty ways to remember your friends at the holidays without feeling like you've short-changed them?
Saturday, December 1, 2007
24 Days of Christmas Books
Calling help
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I feel much like the author does. Television is neutral. We are the ones that decide if we are going to bring something worthy or unworthy of viewing into our homes. Television is just the messenger. I totally agree with his advice to plan which shows are important to watch and not just watch "whatever is on" because we're "bored". I am not one to stand on a pedestal and tell everyone how, when or what they should watch on TV, I have days that I like to be lazy, but I want to be a good example early on to my kids and show them that there's more entertaining things to do than watch TV all the time. I love watching educational shows on TLC, Discovery Channel or HGTV (woo-hoo for DIY projects!), but I'm really glad that the author mentioned that it's okay to watch TV just to be entertained. There are good shows out there that are just plain fun to watch. I also don't mind letting my son watch cartoons for a few minutes every now and again. We have some Disney DVD's with Mickey cartoons on them that we love watching as a family.
What are your thoughts about television?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday Weekly
Monday, November 26, 2007
Cleaning Tile and Grout
I thought I'd share the product with all of you because this stuff seriously works! My grout is so light that its almost white and after months and months of walking on it, mopping it and the occasional spill, its quite dirty, but this stuff makes it almost white again! Here goes...
1/2 cup of baking soda
1/3 cup of ammonia
1/4 cup of white vinegar
7 cups of water
Combine all the ingredients in a labeled spray bottle and shake well to mix. (Do not use this in conjunction with chlorine bleach or where chlorine bleach has been used.)
I then spray the mixture on my tile and grout, scrub with a hard bristled grout and tile brush, and wipe up the dirt that is dislodged from my grout with a damp sponge. Hope this is helpful for someone!!
Recipe courtesy of, though I've seen the same recipe on various other sites also!
Unrealistic expectations
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Making it "the most wonderful time of the year..."
What strategies do you use to save money at Christmastime?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Books ... not always a chew toy
Weddings on a Budget
What tips do you girls have for planning a wedding on a budget? I'm making the cake, and my cousin's fiance will most likely be doing the photos. Other than that we are trying to do this wedding on a tight budget! Any ideas?
Plays Nice With Others
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Black Friday Re-visited
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
New to the Group

I live in the Phoenix area with my husband Scott and darling little girl, Cecelia Shannon. Scott is a police officer and I’m a mom. He loves his job and I absolutely love mine! I started college at MSU studying Interior Design, but have since put school on hold to have a family. I hope to eventually finish my degree; though I’m not sure I will finish with Interior Design… we’ll see what happens! For now, I’m perfectly content to be at home with Cecelia.
I met Scott 4 years ago, during my freshman year. He was serving his mission in Lansing and was one of the elders assigned to my student ward. It wasn’t until I moved to Utah and he got home from his mission that we got in touch and decided that we liked each other. He came up to Utah to visit me after about a month and a half of talking on the phone. By the time his 5 day visit ended he had proposed and 2 weeks later I moved down to Arizona to be with him. We got married in August of 2005. I actually had a huge crush on him while he was on his mission, but it wasn’t until he got home that he had any interest in me! But that’s how it should be, so it worked out perfectly! Six months after we got married we bought a house that we’ve had a lot of fun painting and remodeling. 10 months after our wedding we found out I was pregnant. Cecelia joined our family in March 25, 2007, 14 days after her due date!!
I love to spend time with my family, scrapbook, sew, play piano, read, cook, sing, shop, and travel. My big project for the moment is starting an organization for the wives of police officers in our city. Among other things, we hope to offer gun safety courses for the wives and children of police officers and raise money to help the families of local officers who are wounded or killed in the line of duty.
Christmas Books
Saturday, November 17, 2007
International Travel
Friday, November 16, 2007
Cabin Fever
Frog Eye Salad
Cook Acini Di Pepe macaroni: Bring 6 cups water to a rapid boil in 3 quart saucepan. Add 2 teaspoons salt. Slowly add 1 cup Acini Di Pepe. Return to rapid boil, stirring to separate. Boil only 2 minutes. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand 6 to 8 minutes. Drain immediately and rinse with cold water to chill.
3/4 c. sugar
2 tbsp. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2/3 c. pineapple juice (from canned pineapple shown below)
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp. lemon juice
In small saucepan, mix sugar, flour and salt; stir in pineapple juice and egg. Cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly until thickened (or cook in microwave). Add lemon juice, set aside and cool.
Combine cooked, cooled mixture with cooled Acini Di Pepe. Cover, place in refrigerator until chilled. Add the following:
2 cans (11 oz. each) mandarin oranges, drained
1 can (20 oz.) pineapple tidbits, drained
1 can crushed pineapple, drained
1 carton (8 oz.) dairy whipped topping
1 c. miniature marshmallows
Stir lightly. Chill at least 1 hour before serving.
Serves 8-10.
Sweet Potato Crunch
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. plus 3 Tbs. butter, melted and divided
2 eggs, beaten
1 T. vanilla extract
1/3 c. milk
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 c. brown sugar, packed
1/4 c. all purpose flour
1/2 c. chopped pecans
Combine sweet potatoes, sugar, 1/2 butter, eggs, vanilla and milk; mix well. Turn into a greased baking dish. Combine remaining butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, flour and pecans together. Sprinkle brown sugar mixture over sweet potatoes. Bake at 350* for 25 minutes or until bubbly.
It's a fun new twist on the old standby!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Share Your Recipes!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Black Friday
8 Days to go!

Until we all stuff ourselves!! What are your plans for Thanksgiving? What are your family traditions?
When I was little my grandma told us the "Tale of Candy Corn" every year. We all got three candy corn and those represented the food that the pilgrims had the first year...or something like that (can you tell how well I paid attention?)
My Dad likes us all to say something we're thankful for and gives a nice testimony before dinner.
I set the tables. It's my job to make them pretty with all the best china and silver and crystal and beautiful centerpieces.
My parents always have families from the ward over. Usually the families that can't go anywhere but don't have family nearby. For years, we also had the missionaries in our ward (up to eight of them!)
When we lived in Utah, we'd put up a quilt to tie after dinner with my grandma and aunts.
Now, I always go a day early. My other job is pies. Mom makes the crusts and I make all the insides. Except for the chocolate cream pie. That one's too complicated! :)
My family is so deeply steeped in food tradition that the year my Mom changed the sweet potatoes there was mutiny...until we tasted the new recipe! Yum!!! We HAVE to have potato rolls, pomegranate salad, ribbon jello as well as the regulars: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes. We could care less about green beans! :)
That's what makes my Thanksgiving. What makes yours??
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Vaccines part II
“We urge members of the Church … to protect their own children through immunization. Then they may wish to join other public-spirited citizens in efforts to eradicate ignorance and apathy that have caused the disturbingly low levels of childhood immunization.”
“Reports that increasing numbers of children are not being immunized against preventable childhood diseases deeply concern us. In the United States alone approximately 20 million children, 40 percent of those 14 years old or younger, have not been adequately immunized against polio, measles, German measles (rubella), diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), mumps and tetanus.
“Every parent who has agonized when these diseases have maimed or brought premature death to their children would join us, we are certain, in a plea to mobilize against these deadly enemies.
“Immunization is such a simple, yet vital, matter and such a small price to pay for protection against these destroying diseases. …
“Failure to act could subject untold thousands to preventable lifelong physical or mental impairment, including paralysis, blindness, deafness, heart damage, and mental retardation.
“Immunization campaigns in the United States and other nations, if successful, will end much needless suffering and erase the potential threat of epidemics. Such efforts are deserving of our full support.”
Friday, November 9, 2007
Car Seat Question

It's hard to believe that this little baby confused by her new surroundings fresh out of the hospital has turned into this giant dancer with statues. But...its true. Megan is a giant. And the time has come for us to buy her a new car seat. I have no idea what to get her. What are your opinions of the convertible car seats that you got for your children? What features do you like/dislike? Thanks for the help. :)
What are everyone's thoughts on vaccinations? I know there are a ton of theories out there about whether or not to vaccinate, how many at once, and the side effects, etc. that sometimes it's staggering. For instance I have a nephew who was labelled as "1 in 500 autistic children" because he is very very low on the spectrum of Autism... my sister doesn't blame the vaccines for causing it, but does think that they triggered it. So on the one hand we have all the dr. and researchers saying there is no link, and on the other hand mothers who are certain their child's developmental problems are linked to vaccines.
I like what Dr. Sears recommends at He suggests not giving more than two vaccines at once to avoid overloading the child's system. Unfortunately it costs more money, but to me it's worth the peace of mind :)
I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts! Did anyone else hesitate to vaccinate their child?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Ensign Hoarding
Chicken Lettuce Wraps
2-3 servings - 25 minute prep/cooking time
2 T Olive Oil
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts - thawed (tonight I used the pre-cooked grille

1/2 C chopped Almonds
2/3 C Mushrooms
3 T chopped Onion (I used yellow)
2 t minced Garlic (I used the bottled kind)
5-6 leaves of Romaine Lettuce
1/2 Carrot
1/2 Cucumber
Stir Fry Sauce*
Kraft Asian Toasted Sesame Dressing
Mince mushrooms and onions about the size of peas.
Saute chicken breasts in Olive Oil for 4-5 minutes per side (or until done).
Remove chicken from pan and when cool chop it the same size as mushrooms.
Add mushrooms, garlic, onions, and almonds to the pan and saute.
Add the chicken back in.
Add the stir fry sauce and saute for a couple of minutes.
Wash the lettuce.
Shred the carrot and cucumber.
To serve, place a tablespoon of the chicken mixture on a piece of lettuce then top with the shredded carrot and cucumber. Dribble some Kraft Asian dressing on it. Wrap and eat (make sure you have napkins handy).
*Stir Fry Sauce:
In a small bowl mix 2 T Soy Sauce with 2 T brown Sugar and 1/2 t rice vinegar.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Videos for Toddlers
Monday, November 5, 2007
Nursing Strike
It has been going on for 4 days now and I am not sure what to do. He nurses well in the morning but by the 11 am-ish feeding he lets me know he does NOT want to nurse. He fusses, cries, arches his back, you name it. I have been pumping to try to keep my supply up.
I can't figure out what is wrong. He has been congested, but is mostly over it now. I get so frustrated trying to get him to nurse, and then decide it isn't worth it so I offer him a sippy cup of pumped milk. My patience is wearing thin. I planned on nursing until he turned 6 months. He is now 7 months. I am surprised that even going through this experience I am not quite ready to give up nursing him (it is so stinking convenient... very inexpensive... let alone the bonding that happens!). I wonder how long this will go on as well as how much longer I can handle it!
Any tips, suggestions, or even support would help!
Developing a Relationship with your Pediatrician
Toy Purse idea
Does anyone know of a kind of toy keys that are more realistic then the plastic colorful baby ones they make?
Milk and Coughing
Exercise in Pregnancy?

Sunday, November 4, 2007
"You just wait..."
Anyway, I have one child. I feel like there are some people with more than one child who make comments that basically give the overall message of "You have no idea how easy you have it with just one. You're in for it when you have more."
Okay, whatever, but seriously, 99% of the time that people make these little comments to me, I'm not even at all exasperated by what my child is doing. It feels like the comments are unwarranted. If I was huffing and puffing, rolling my eyes, sighing, scowling, then yes, put me in my place if you must. But I'm generally not overwhelmed by my child. If she's acting tired after 3 hours of church, I don't blame her!
Anyway, I forget about these comments once they've passed, but they feel like cut-downs more than anything else. For a brief moment I feel a small pang inside as the "commenter" smiles and laughs. I mean, what's the intent? Are they the exasperated ones? I surely know that having more than one kid is way more challenging than having one, but I will tell you what, I will not be one of those people who makes those types of comments to others when the time comes. We're all learning and growing! Thank you to my friends and family who support me in my parenting endeavors! I'd much rather enjoy the journey then bring others down in the process.
The Monkey and the Fairy
Belated Halloween
Daylight Savings
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Gifts for tots
Okay, anyway, I am looking for some ideas for my 14 month old (will be almost 16 months at Christmas) for toys for Christmas. If you've had a child at this stage, I would love suggestions on what toys your kids have loved. I know personality plays a part, but I'd just like your general suggestions from a developmental standpoint. Think 18 months old.
Oh...and if you have great suggestions for any other age group (6-12 months, 2 years, 3 years, etc.), maybe others would find that helpful as well!
My pink skeleton
Friday, November 2, 2007
Crush the Turtle
You can't really tell but I slicked his hair back and plastered one little curl in the middle of his forehead. It was so cute!
The Lion Sleeps Tonight...

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Little Lamb
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sugar & Spice Halloween Parade!
Bumbo revisited
Standards Night Ideas
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Preschool Ideas
Bumbo recall
My mom just told me that Bumbos have been recalled. They have caused skull fractures.
Innate Candy Detection
Happy Halloween! :)
Space heaters part II
Before moving to NY, my husband and I lived in a mobile home. The guy that lived there before was a carpenter and built a GIGANTIC walk-in closet. Since it was bigger than my first bedroom, we turned it into a nursery for Margaret. Only downfall- it get any heat. Big problem for a November baby (and for those of you that live in MI, last feb had quite a few below zero days!).

As you can probably tell from the picture, it's a programmable thermostat that you plug into an outlet in the room, then plug the space heater into the thermostat. Turn your space heater to "on" then the thermostat does all the work. If it's warm enough in the room, it cuts power to the heater and turns it off, and if it's too cold, it turns it on. What's really nice is that there is a power switch on the thermostat. So if you don't want it to run during the day you can just flip the switch. It's available at most hardware stores. Or you can order it online. At Ace, it's $45, though I know we only paid $30-something and we ordered online. Just search online for Lux thermostat WIN100. The only thing is that you have to make sure you have the right kind of space heater. The first space heater we had, had a built in thermostat and so it wouldn't turn on automatically when the thermostat kicked on. So we had to go buy a "cheaper" one that wouldn't turn itself off.
I'm not sure if this works for a baby, since the amount of heat they put off is obviously less than an adult, but when I was pregnant, we put a plastic shower curtain under our sheets. Turned out, this really kept us warm! Though it was cold at first, as soon as we were in bed for a few minutes, since the plastic retains more heat than the sheets, we warmed up nicely :)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Space Heaters
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I had to explain to the students that we were starting a new unit on genetics. As part of the unit we have to talk about "sex cells." Through all their giggling I was able to explain that we weren't going to talk about sex, just sex cells and how they are different from blood cells, skin cells, etc.
I told the kids that if they were uncomfortable saying "sex" they should go home and practice saying it so that they could get use to hearing it said by me, their classmates, and themselves.
After my talk I'm walking around, handing out papers, and one of my most *obnoxious* students says, "Mrs. Coates, is it OK if I just say 's-cells'?"
I told her NO WAY. In a science class we use the scientific words. Just like in English...a teacher would never let you refer to a verb as "that v-word."
She tells me, "I made myself a promise never to say words like that."
So I said, "Words like what? SEX?" (I made sure to exaggerate every letter of the word)
She then tells me, "Mrs. Coates, I think Satan is using you to test me."
Please teach your children that there is a time and place to use "bad words."
Friday, October 26, 2007
Harry Potter....
Alright, so I'm not a Harry Potter fan... never read a book, but I have listened to books 2&3 on tape while driving from MI to NY. However, I heard this on the news:
Personally I wonder why it matters. I find it somewhat sickening that an entertaining book is being reduced to a statement on sexual orientation (at least in my mind and some of the articles I've read). It is of course, no coincidence that the beloved headmaster, the influence for good is gay... even in public schools today, teachers who are homosexual are still viewed as an "evil influence."
I mean, this is sort of a touchy thing. From the gospel standpoint, we know that homosexuality is not the Lord's way and that acting on such instincts is a violation of God's law but that people who struggle with same gender attraction are not loved less by the Lord. But at the same time, it is SO widespread and accepted as a great thing. People are applauded for being a hero when they come out about their orientation. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of friends from H.S that were attracted to their same gender.. heck! I live in Ithaca - a city that by city ordinance gives benefits to "domestic partners" (they get the same benefits that I get as a spouse) and so I'm around a diversity of people everyday. I have no problem loving those with different standards than I. And no problem associating and being friends with such. But I know what the gospel teaches.
Of course there is freedom of speech, and there is freedom of expression, but how are we supposed to react? How are we supposed to explain to our kids who read Harry Potter and about the exalted Head master and ask about his love and life and why he didn't marry or have kids. Obviously, teach the truth, but it's difficult (and scary) to, once again combat, those who call good evil and evil good and to raise our kids in such a world. And how, when it comes time to vote on proposals to legalize same sex marriage, do we explain our position without offending? Of course, we just tell the truth, but how do you say that to a friend who is homosexual and engaged and wants to marry? And wants all of the benefits of marrying someone they love?
I think this post ended up being a rant more than anything, but I would love to hear our thoughts about Harry Potter and everything else. But it makes me sad and sick to think of what is accepted out there. And happy and SO grateful that I have the gospel to arm myself and my children with!
frozen meals
Everything seems to be happening at once for me, and starting Sunday night I would wake up in the middle of the night with a rapid heart rate, difficultly breathing and warm and tingling hands and feet... the tingling lasted throughout the day as well, though finally stopped yesterday. And then in the mornings I have awful headaches. I went in to the dr., they ran a bunch of tests, and no conclusions yet. Margaret is eating a lot less (she'll be a year old Nov 8th), and that really is the only thing that is different. After talking with my sister she said she had some really strange (some similar) things happen to her when she stopped feeding her kids. So I was wondering did anyone go something similar?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Cool Mist Humidifiers
Do you love your cool mist humidifier? If so, which one do you own? I really want to use mine but admittedly, we usually don't because it requires very regular cleanings with vinegar and bleach. But maybe that's typical (???) and we just need to stop being lazy about it. It's just hard to find the time to do it. If you have a great, low maintenance one, please let me know!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Homeade gifts
This is about the time when I start thinking about the holidays, and even start a little of my Christmas shopping. I like to put time and thought into gifts, so I'm not rushed. (And so I'm not buying everything at once!) Anyway, we started a new tradition on my husband's side of the family. We aren't supposed to buy each other anything, but instead make thoughtful, homeade gifts. Last year was easy because we had this awesome Craft Day at our Ward with several projects that were exactly that-thoughtful and homeade! However, I'm now in a small branch that doesn't do a craft day, and I'm not so good at coming up with ideas on my own!
Some examples of gifts we exchanged last year were:
-I made wooden blocks with sepia photographs on every side for each family member. The blocks stacked on top of each other, and they looked pretty neat!
-My sister in law framed a Proclamation to the Family for each of us, with our own custom borders of photographs of our families
-My sister in law also made one of those fleece sacks with rice and little objects in it, for kids to "search for" the objects during church, etc.
Hopefully that gets the creative juices flowing and PLEASE send your ideas my way!!! :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Wednesday Weekly
So, what do you splurge on?
New Contributor
My husband and I met while we were both working at USU in Logan, Utah. We live in Alabama where my husband is an art professor at Jacksonville State University. Our six month old daughter keeps us laughing and very busy. In addition to these things, I am interested in a cappella music, reading, cooking, blogging, public radio, crocheting, sewing and hope to learn how to garden in 'bama.
Cramster and I were roommates about ten years ago. I've been reading this blog for a while and have posted comments from time to time. Then I got an invitation to join and I was excited. I told my husband that I just got invited to be in the "in group" and he immediately said, "did you get asked to be a contributor to Sugar and Spice?" It made me laugh. I'm looking forward to getting to know all y'all better through this blog. Thanks!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Humanitarian Aid,7989,1325--9-1100,00.html
The site is a list of all the humanitarian aid projects you can make (along with guidelines and patterns). Out here, JoAnn Fabrics is having a sale on fleece, so we are making fleece mittens and scarves to send out. The website also has this list of current needs:
Crib Quilts - Priority Need
Infant outfits
Newborn Kits
Children's mittens and gloves (all sizes)
Crib sheets (42" X 72")
Children's lightweight pajamas (sizes 2-12)
Fabric activity books (quiet books)
Boys pants (size 2-12)
Receiving blankets
Children's socks (sizes 3-12)
Plus there are a lot more projects on the website I listed. Just thought I'd spread the word. It makes a great project for the colder days!
Sharpie Remover
It's getting cold out there...

Last winter, we battled ear infection after ear infection with our little one. It runs in the family and so I expected it. She was such a trooper and usually quite good about feeling so crappy but I remember being so relieved when she was over six months and I could give her cold medicine. We had colds through June, so I've already been gearing up for another long winter! So, while I want to follow what the experts are now saying about cold medicine, I'm a little dismayed! No cold medicine under the age of six! They say it doesn't help! I would like to say it does but I know part of it is I feel like I'm helping when I give her medicine. I also wonder how much just Tylenol or Ibuprofen helps because that's usually part of the formula too.
Some of the things that help now that cold medicine is out:
-humidifiers! If you don't have one, I strongly suggest it. The white noise helps them sleep and the humid air clears congestion(and helps with voice quality by the way)
-vitamins! I was so good with the nasty brown liquid vitamins when M was little and last year was terrible. I've always wondered if there's a connection.
-of course rest and hydration
-good hygiene! This is another duh! one but sometimes it's so easy to skip hand washing, teeth brushing, (or maybe I'm just a lazy mom!) :)
What else has gotten you through colds? what do you think of the new recommendations? Are you a follower or a skeptic?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Book request
Uhg .... Sundays
Friday, October 19, 2007
Joy School
Thursday, October 18, 2007
How to make a Christmas stocking
SO this year I have made some Christmas stockings for my family. I found a really simple way to make simple stockings. Click here to go to my blog and see the directions. It was too long for me to post a second time!
This pattern is very easy to follow. It doesn't take much time either, I made 3 stockings in about an hour and a half, including distraction time. AND to top it off they aren't very expensive to make - you need 2/3 yard of fabric total per stocking. Start watching for holiday fabric sales!
If you already have stockings for your family, these would be easy and inexpensive gift bags for neighbors, teachers, friends, visiting teaching sisters, etc. I have also heard of some families making a stocking for Christ, and then having family members put in something they are going to give to Him for the next year (usually they are spiritual goals but it could be anything).
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
New to Group
I am originally from Arizona. I went to college in Utah, and graduated from the other other college, UVSC. I have a degree in Integrated Studies: Business Management & Communications. I am married to Joe, and the mother of a 16 month old girl and another girl on the way (due at the begining of March). We have been living in Arkansas for the past 2ish years, while Joe is working on his JD degree. He is in his finally year and we are excited to see where life takes us next!
I tend to think of myself as a dabbler in hobbies so I'll only list a few. My current favorites are: jewelry making (clearly I am not a photographer!) and sewing. I am definitely a beginner in the sewing department but I find it fun and relaxing.